The success of hillsong Music has been so phenomenal. Aside from its great lyrics, great melody and annointed singers and performers, the songs have touched million of lives and enflame the heart of many to once again follow the Lord.
Despite of the heights of the success of Hillsong band, many are not aware of how hillsong music started. Where did it all began?
Here is a brief history of Hillsong Band.
Hillsong Music exists to champion and resource the cause of the local church worldwide. Birthed from the vision of Senior Pastors, Brian and Bobbie Houston their small church in the northwest of Sydney, Australia began in 1983, and has grown to become an internationally recognised congregation.
Hillsong recorded its first album in 1988, and has since recorded 18 live albums, and numerous kids and youth albums - distributed in close to 90 countries and territories around the world.
The Hillsong Creative team is led by Joel Houston and Reuben Morgan, and is made up of hundreds of dedicated singers, musicians, songwriters, and production volunteers. The team gives of their time and energy each week at church, with the ultimate goal of leading people into an atmosphere of dynamic, powerful, and personal praise and worship. It is this dedication that is reflected on the albums year after year.
Senior Pastor Brian Houston says of the success of the music "All we've ever done is just have church. This is what God has anointed us to do. It's about reaching and influencing people. The worship is what it is because of the spirit of the church. The songs reflect the heart of our church."
More than a decade ago, a group of young people from Hillsong Church, involved in the Creative team, were naive and passionate enough to believe that they could make a real difference for God on the planet.
They wanted to take what was happening inside the church and create a generation of young people who were passionate to see justice and worship go hand in hand.
Today, they are Hillsong United; a music group phenomenon grounded in the local youth ministry of Hillsong Church. Their fresh brand of melodic rock and simple lyrics has seen them become a top-selling worship group in Australia, and they continually pack out stadiums, churches, and open fields alike with their unique sound, and have literally seen tens of thousands of people connect with the life changing message of Jesus Christ.
Since conception, Hillsong Music has sold over 11 million units worldwide and achieved more than 30 gold and platinum sales awards - yet the purpose has remained the same - to build a strong and healthy local church, that resources the Body of Christ EVERYWHERE.
HILLSONG MUSIC - Through the Years
Hillsong Music Australia is the resource arm of Hillsong Church, a rapidly growing Church in Sydney, Australia pastored by Brian and Bobbie Houston. Hillsong Church (formerly the Hills Christian Life Centre) had its first service on 14 August 1983 with a congregation of 45 people meeting in a high school hall.
From its humble beginnings as a single desk operation, HMA has grown to the dynamic music label it is today.
"Hillsongs" as it was originally called recorded its first album in 1988. 'Spirit And Truth' was a studio recording featuring eleven songs. The sphere of influence of this album was the church and a few friends of the church. From there, came 'Show Your Glory' in 1990. Also a studio recording, this was the first album to be marketed and distributed outside Australia, edging its way into the European market.
'Hillsongs' operated from a one room office based from the church for some years but as it began to grow, the marketing and distribution of the resources was taken on by Christian Marketing Australasia.
In time, the music began to become more established and the annual Hillsong Conference rapidly grew. As the popularity of the music spread throughout Australia and beyond, various distribution companies around the world began to seek after the distribution rights to the music in their territories. Today, Hillsong Music is distributed in close to 90 countries and territories worldwide. The music has also been translated into a number of languages the world over.
In July 1997, Hillsong Music Australia took over the Australian marketing and distribution responsibilities. HMA now distributes directly to all Christian retail stores nationally.
In January 1999, Hillsong resources were released into the mainstream Australian market by Warner Music Australia. Then in July 2003, an agreement was entered into with Sony Music Australia to distribute the Hillsong Live albums into this growing market sector.
Every week letters and emails are received telling of the impact Hillsong Music resource is having in people's lives. From every corner of the earth the music coming out of this 'local church from Down Under' is impacting people in ways that only God can be glorified for. What a privilege to work in partnership with Him.
In 1992 we recorded our first live recording The Power Of Your Love, followed in 1993 Stone's Been Rolled Away which was our first live album to also be captured on video. This paved the way for a new live praise and worship album annually.
2009 - Faith Hope Love
2008 - This Is Our God
2007 - Saviour King
2006 - Mighty to Save
2005 - God He Reigns
2004 - For All You've Done
2003 - Hope
2003 - Unified Praise - Hillsong and Delirious
2002 - Blessed
2001 - You Are My World
2000 - For This Cause
1999 - By Your Side
1998 - Touching Heaven Changing Earth
1997 - All Things Are Possible
1996 - God Is In The House
1995 - Friends in High Places
1994 - People Just Like Us
1993 - Stone's Been Rolled Away
1992 - The Power of Your Love
Hillsong music has indeed been so phenomenal that I have several albums with me. Listening to their music is a source of inspiration for me. And every time I listen, my heart is filled with praise.
Hillsong music has always been my source of inspiration.